
Rogério Fernandes Ferreira analyses the climb of uncollectable debts

10 March 2014 in Diário Económico
Rogério Fernandes Ferreira analyses the climb of uncollectable debts

Rogério Fernandes Ferreira analyses the climb of uncollectable debts

10 March 2014 in Diário Económico

Rogério Fernandes Ferreira, in an interview with diário económico, analyses the climb of uncollectable debts pointing, namely, the raise of the tax burden and the reduction of the buying power as the main reasons.

The partner and Founder of RFF & Associados considers, still, that 2014 will be a record year in terms of the number and values of the registrations on the Public list of judgments (LPE). Rogério Fernandes Ferreira states, also, that the objectives of the Troika of stopping the pending judicial matters were accomplished, from a formal point, but measures still remain to be achieved that may contribute for the diminishing of pending judicial matters.
