
2013 State Budget: Tax amendments

09 January 2013
2013 State Budget: Tax amendments

2013 State Budget: Tax amendments

09 January 2013

Law 66-B/2012, which enacted the 2013 State Budget, was published in Diário da República (N.º 252, Suplemento, Série 1) on 31 December 2012.

The 2013 State Budget Law, including the amendments, updates and authority to legislate on tax matters provided for therein, has been in force since 1 January 2013. However, this legislative authority will expire on 31 December of this year if it has not been used by the Government, as provided for under the Constitution of the Republic.

However, the President of the Republic has already requested the Constitutional Court to conduct a constitutional review of certain provisions of the 2013 State Budget Law, namely those concerning the suspension of holiday bonuses to pensioners and public sector workers and the imposition of an extraordinary solidarity contribution on pensioners.
