
The firm

RFF Lawyers is a tax law “boutique” firm, specialized in tax and business law, both for corporate and institutional entities and individual clients.

RFF Lawyers seeks to foster lasting relationships - of confidence and trust - and to provide the proper legal solutions meeting the specific needs of each client, whether individual or corporate. We seek to anticipate situations, foresee problems, and provide dedicated and competent advice and assistance. It is therefore committed to the quality and efficiency of the services rendered, acting with diligence, dedication, enthusiasm, and competence, and in strict compliance with the highest ethical values and standards.

The firm's lawyers come from diverse backgrounds, with a long and wide working experience in law firms, working groups, public and private entities and associations, all coming together in this common project. Working alongside RFF Lawyers are also several external consultants, with different training and academic backgrounds, in addition to our lawyers and to other local lawyers in Portugal and Portuguese-speaking countries.

The firm
Social Responsibility

Contributing to a responsible Citizenship and Etics

RFF Lawyers, as a reference in Portugal and Portuguese-speaking countries in the areas of Tax, Customs and Business Law, enshrines Social Responsibility as an integral and fundamental part of management, assuming the commitment towards a balance between its commercial and value creation objectives and respect for the individual (Customers, Employees, Suppliers and Partners).

The Social Responsibility policy of RFF Lawyers follows the following principles:

  • Ensure compliance with the requirements of the SA 8000 Standard
  • Ensure compliance with Portuguese and EU legislation, standards, regulations and good international practices in the areas of safety and health at work
  • Ensuring compliance with Portuguese labour legislation
  • Promoting work opportunities and personal and professional development based on a fair remuneration policy and without excessive working hours
  • Guarantee equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value;
  • Establish Social Responsibility objectives and promote the implementation of the actions necessary for their fulfilment;
  • To guarantee a continuous improvement of the implemented Social Responsibility Management System;
  • To promote an ethical behaviour based on the values of honesty, transparency and integrity, demonstrating a permanent concern for the economy, people and the environment;
  • Implement procedures aimed at preventing corruption in all its aspects;
  • Ensure full compliance with the principles/guidelines of the United Nations
    • not allowing child labour
    • no forced or compulsory labour allowed
    • non-discrimination,
    • ensuring the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining,
    • implementing disciplinary practices, when applicable, complying with the Code of Conduct
  • Respect and promote human rights, fundamental labour rights and the voluntary principles on safety and human rights;
  • Promote the development of the community through social investment and/or philanthropic actions
Institutions, Entities & Organizations
Ajuda de Berço - Social Solidarity Association

Ajuda de Berço - Social Solidarity Association

Ajuda de Berço - Social Solidarity Association

RFF Lawyers supports Ajuda de Berço in the defense and guarantee of the Fundamental Rights of children exposed to various sufferings, having collected a significant amount of goods for these children.

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Hope4Moza Association | Projecto Esperança

Hope4Moza Association | Projecto Esperança

Hope4Moza Association | Projecto Esperança

RFF Lawyers gives Pro bono legal advice to the Hope4Moza Association, an association that supports Projecto Esperança, which is dedicated to helping children, young people and vulnerable families in Mozambique.




RFF Lawyers, sensitized to the cause of APELA (Portuguese Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), supported this association, donating some of its resources for the development of its activity.

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Business Policy
Ensuring Quality, Information Security and Business Continuity
Ensuring Quality, Information Security and Business Continuity

RFF Lawyers is the first law firm in Portugal certified, simultaneously in:

  • Quality Management, in accordance with the NP EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard
  • Information Security, in accordance with NP ISO / IEC 27001:2013
  • Social Responsibility, in accordance with the International Standard SA 8000:2014
  • Business Continuity Management, in accordance with the NP EN ISO 22301:2019 standard

These certifications, according to its partner and founder Rogério Fernandes Ferreira, “reinforce the principles and rules by which this law firm is guided and confirm the effort, which is continuous, in anticipating the needs of our clients, partners and employees and a bets on good international practices”.

The Quality Policy of RFF Lawyers integrates the following principles:

  •  ensure the satisfaction of clients' legal assistance needs and their loyalty;
  • to ensure compliance with the legislation applicable to its activity of rendering legal services
  • comply with the ethical and deontological standards of the activities set out in the rules and codes of conduct for Lawyers
  • guaranteeing compliance with legal deadlines and the internal deadlines it defines;
  • create local and international partnerships that enable it to meet the specific needs and expectations of its clients;
  • continuously improve the effectiveness of its implemented quality management system; and
  • to focus the entire organisation on developing its activity at the service of the client, complying with all its obligations, both labour and social, towards its employees, as well as those of valuation and remuneration established by law and in its statutes and internal regulations, with reciprocal demands towards its partners and associates and other collaborators.

The Information Security Policy of RFF Lawyers is based on the following three pillars:

  • Confidentiality: guarantee that information is accessible only to persons duly authorised for that purpose;
  • Integrity: safeguarding of information accuracy and processing methods;
  • Availability: guarantee that authorised users to have access to the information whenever necessary;

and, includes the following principles:

  • information is an essential asset for the fulfilment of the organisation's functions;
  • information Security applies to all Lawyers and Employees of the Firm in all Departments, in a transversal manner, with specific responsibilities being attributed to certain functions;
  • the firm is committed to promoting and implementing appropriate levels of security that enable it to protect both information system resources and the training processed, stored or transmitted
  • ensuring compliance with applicable legislation, guaranteeing the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, as well as the management of security incidents that may affect it;
  • to ensure compliance with the normative requirements and codes of good practice, to identify, quantify, prioritise and treat information security risks
  • ensure the continuous improvement of the information security management system.

The Business Continuity Management Policy of RFF Lawyers integrates the following principles:

  • protect the people, assets and information of RFF Lawyers;
  • ensure the proper operation of the firm, including any disruptive scenarios, defining and implementing preventive controls to reduce the firm's exposure and mitigate the effects of events that may cause disruption;
  • maintain the image and notoriety of the organisation;
  • guarantee compliance with legal, regulatory and contractual obligations of the company, by the expectations of its relevant stakeholders;
  • continuously improve the business continuity management system, by defining and monitoring specific business continuity indicators and objectives and by testing Business Continuity Plans.

RFF Lawyers is the first law firm in Portugal certified, simultaneously in:

  • Quality Management, in accordance with the NP EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard
  • Information Security, in accordance with NP ISO / IEC 27001:2013
  • Social Responsibility, in accordance with the International Standard SA 8000:2014
  • Business Continuity Management, in accordance with the NP EN ISO 22301:2019 standard

These certifications, according to its partner and founder Rogério Fernandes Ferreira, “reinforce the principles and rules by which this law firm is guided and confirm the effort, which is continuous, in anticipating the needs of our clients, partners and employees and a bets on good international practices”.

The Quality Policy of RFF Lawyers integrates the following principles:

  •  ensure the satisfaction of clients' legal assistance needs and their loyalty;
  • to ensure compliance with the legislation applicable to its activity of rendering legal services
  • comply with the ethical and deontological standards of the activities set out in the rules and codes of conduct for Lawyers
  • guaranteeing compliance with legal deadlines and the internal deadlines it defines;
  • create local and international partnerships that enable it to meet the specific needs and expectations of its clients;
  • continuously improve the effectiveness of its implemented quality management system; and
  • to focus the entire organisation on developing its activity at the service of the client, complying with all its obligations, both labour and social, towards its employees, as well as those of valuation and remuneration established by law and in its statutes and internal regulations, with reciprocal demands towards its partners and associates and other collaborators.

The Information Security Policy of RFF Lawyers is based on the following three pillars:

  • Confidentiality: guarantee that information is accessible only to persons duly authorised for that purpose;
  • Integrity: safeguarding of information accuracy and processing methods;
  • Availability: guarantee that authorised users to have access to the information whenever necessary;

and, includes the following principles:

  • information is an essential asset for the fulfilment of the organisation's functions;
  • information Security applies to all Lawyers and Employees of the Firm in all Departments, in a transversal manner, with specific responsibilities being attributed to certain functions;
  • the firm is committed to promoting and implementing appropriate levels of security that enable it to protect both information system resources and the training processed, stored or transmitted
  • ensuring compliance with applicable legislation, guaranteeing the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, as well as the management of security incidents that may affect it;
  • to ensure compliance with the normative requirements and codes of good practice, to identify, quantify, prioritise and treat information security risks
  • ensure the continuous improvement of the information security management system.

The Business Continuity Management Policy of RFF Lawyers integrates the following principles:

  • protect the people, assets and information of RFF Lawyers;
  • ensure the proper operation of the firm, including any disruptive scenarios, defining and implementing preventive controls to reduce the firm's exposure and mitigate the effects of events that may cause disruption;
  • maintain the image and notoriety of the organisation;
  • guarantee compliance with legal, regulatory and contractual obligations of the company, by the expectations of its relevant stakeholders;
  • continuously improve the business continuity management system, by defining and monitoring specific business continuity indicators and objectives and by testing Business Continuity Plans.

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